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Python Recipe bytes:Looping

How do I loop a list of names?

names = ["John", "Vicky"]

for name in names:

How do I loop a list with index for each item?

names = ["John", "Vicky"]

for (index, name) in enumerate(names):
    print(f"Index number : {index} first name {name} trophies")

How do I loop a dictionary with key only?

number_of_trophies_won_by_country = {"Aregentina": 3, "Brazil": 5, "Italy": 3}

for country in number_of_trophies_won_by_country:
  print(f"{country} won {number_of_trophies_won_by_country[country]} trophies")

How do I loop a dictionary with list of keys?

for country in number_of_trophies_won_by_country.keys():
  print(f"{country} won {number_of_trophies_won_by_country[country]} trophies")

How do I loop a dictionary with list of values only (I dont care about keys)?

for number_of_trophies in number_of_trophies_won_by_country.values():

How do I loop a dictionary with key and value in one shot?

for (country, number_of_trophies) in number_of_trophies_won_by_country.items():
  print(f"{country} won {number_of_trophies} trophies")

How do I loop a dictionary with index of each item?

for (index, country) in enumerate(number_of_trophies_won_by_country):
  print(f"index: {index} {country} won {number_of_trophies_won_by_country[country]}")